Magazin Certificat LEGOMagazin Certificat LEGO

Magazin Certificat LEGO

LEGO Certified Store Băneasa Shopping City welcomes you with the widest variety of LEGO sets and accessories. Here, you can find countless LEGO toys for all ages – even HUGE and complex LEGO sets and collectibles for adults!

Have you seen a LEGO set that you MUST HAVE but can’t find it anywhere? We’ll let you in on a secret: you can find it here! You can also discover a special collection of rare and exclusive LEGO items that you won’t be able to find anywhere else!

Get familiar with the new Pick a Brick and Build-A-Minifigurine sections, the perfect places to lose track of time finding all the LEGO bricks and minifigurine components that you need in order to create your own perfect LEGO universe!